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Grand Canyon

The Grand Canyon is in a league of its own, being 18 miles wide from rim to rim and over a mile deep.


This very popular National Park is leaves visitors awestruck with a setting that is desolate, rugged, and with hues of the gorges and pinnacles that are like a work of art.

The view is best from the South rim - it has the most breathtaking vantage points. And, unlike the case on the north rim, the sun is over your shoulder, which is best for both sightseeing and for taking photos.
For the most awesome and thrilling perspective, fly below its rims in a sightseeing helicopter (best bet) or small plane.

To appreciate the size of the nearly 500-kilometer (300-mile) long Grand Canyon, view it at 35,000 feet aboard a commercial jet. Note: The flight paths of many transcontinental planes to and from major Southern Californian cities skirt this natural wonder



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